Off Leash with Dr. Pete

Presented by Voyager Dog Food Co. Dr. Pete Vanvranken gives us a deep dive into dog related health topics. From how to help your dog if they’ve eaten something they shouldn’t have to new and exciting treatments for your best friends, we cover many different dog related topics on the Off Leash Podcast. As a vet of 49 years, Dr. Pete has what he calls “the privilege and duty” to help animals lead their best lives. Ask him his favorite part of the job and he’ll tell you it’s two-fold - partnering with his clients to solve their pets’ health challenges and striving to provide those same pets with long, healthy lives. And that’s our goal with the Off Leash Podcast: to educate dog owners and to advocate for your pet. Listen along with us and leave us a review!

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New Best Friend: ADOPT VS. SHOP

Wednesday May 08, 2024

Wednesday May 08, 2024

This week Ben and Molly sit down to talk about a range of topics including some new things in the dog world, as well as random conversations about dogs and caring for your dogs. Then we get into adoption vs. picking your dog out with a breeder or kennel and how to find out if you’re getting a dog from a reputable place. There are a hundred different experiences both good and bad on either end of the spectrum and Molly and Ben talk through some of the red flags to look out for when getting your new pet. Shoot us a message on Instagram and let us know your experience! Thanks for listening and be sure to subscribe!

Dog Training 101: Where To Start

Wednesday May 01, 2024

Wednesday May 01, 2024

While Dr. Pete is away, Molly is joined by Ben from Voyager Dog Food to talk about training dogs and just being a dog owner! They chat about where to start with your training, how to avoid or break bad habits and a whole lot more. From doing away with food aggression to the first few weeks as a new dog owner there’s tons of good tips and tricks in this episode. Ben and Molly both have owned and trained dogs of all types and temperaments. Do you have a puppy at home or maybe just a dog with a mind of its own? This is a must listen episode! Thanks for joining us and be sure to subscribe!

Dog Food Myths

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

This week on Off Leash with Dr. Pete, animal and food sciences specialist and Voyager Co-Founder, Tim Vande Giessen, joins us to talk all things dog food. We talk about some dog food myths, as well as chelated copper in dog food and how it’s had a negative impact on dog food and the wellbeing of our pets. Tim has a vast knowledge of animal food and has used his expertise to help make Voyager what it is today. Thanks for listening and please be sure to subscribe to hear more about how to best care for your best friends. Also leave us a review!

Mouse Poison & UTI’s

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024

This week we cover a range of topics that all matter to the health and safety of your dog! Dr. Pete starts the podcast off talking about mouse poison, and how it has evolved into new a poison that is approved and championed by the FDA but has no known antidote if your dog were to get into it. This could cause serious issues if you use it and your dog happens to find it before a mouse does. We also talk extensively about UTIs in dogs and how to prevent or treat them. Thanks for listening to the Off-Leash podcast! Please be sure to subscribe and leave a review!

Sorry, Your Dog’s Fat

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Lots of great topics we get into this week with Dr. Pete. We cover pancreatitis while discussing some stories about one of Dr. Pete’s dogs, Bandit. Bandit had a way of finding himself in a multitude of situations including hanging out at a bar, and eating pork til his heart was content. This leads us into another great conversation about people having fat dogs. Many people have dogs that are overweight and they just don’t even know their dog is eating too much. We talk about over feeding including snacks from the table. We sure appreciate you listening and watching and hope you’ll subscribe on Apple and Spotify as well as check out the full video versions of these podcasts on YouTube!

Dog Anxiety and Torn ACL’s

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

This week Dr. Pete and Molly discuss a variety of topics starting with a little bit of cat conversation. We cover kitty litter robots, catio’s (cat patios) and every cats obsession with getting into fights with birds. From there we jump back to dogs and the topics very from dog anxiety to ACL issues with dogs. Lots of people have dogs that experience anxiety and while some dog owners recognize it, others don’t. Being there for your dog when it happens can help them ease through it. Lastly we talk about pet insurance and why you’ll wish you had it as well as reading the ingredients from another dog treat during our weekly segment: Label Wise. Thanks for listening and leave us a review. Also don’t forget to subscribe for more great knowledge about your dogs or pets!

Candy Companies Make Dog Food?

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024

Dr. Pete and Molly talk about something not a lot of people realize, that your dog food is being made by a company that’s known for candy. If you look up who owns most of the dog food companies out there, you’ll find they aren’t being made by veterinarians and people that work with animals. They’re likely being produced and delivered by a company that’s more versed in the candy world. Is that who you want dictating your dog’s diet? We also talk about broken dog tails and when it’s just a sprain as well as some other information important to the safety and well-being of your best friends! Be sure to subscribe and leave us a review!

Nasty but Necessary: Anal Glands

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024

This week we wanted to talk about a nasty but necessary topic: dog anal glands. Many a dog owner has dealt with the regular nuisance of expressing their dogs anal glands and some people take their dog to the vet for this type of care. If it’s not your thing to do, we totally understand and you should keep taking your dog to the vet to have this taken care of. But if you’re interested in handling this task yourself, Dr. Pete walks you through best practices. We also discuss new dog meds, some client reports about our dog food and a few other topics as well. Thanks for listening to the podcast and be sure to leave us a review!

Puppy Vaccines and Kennel Cough

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024

This week Dr. Pete starts the podcast talking about kennel cough, the varieties of kennel cough and just how contagious it can actually be. Molly and Dr. Pete also break down the different opinions surrounding vaccines for your puppy and also as the dog gets older. A secrete treat gets unveiled during Label Wise and we talk about buying dogs from a breeder vs. non breeder. Thanks for listening and leave us a review!

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024

This week Dr. Pete talks about how activated charcoal might be able to help your dog if they’ve eaten something they shouldn’t have. Molly asks questions to get specific on this topic to try to help you be better prepared. We also talk about different dog shampoos and bathing habits including answering the age old question: can dogs be bathed with dawn dish soap? More topics are also discussed including: lumps and bumps, dissecting Molly’s favorite treat, and rock n roll history with Dr. Pete. Thanks for listening and share with a friend!


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